Movement in our schools has never come under the spotlight quite like it did in 2020/2021. With the concern of contract tracing, student-student contact, student-teacher contact, and the overall spreading of COVID-19, we have seen more and more schools reduce the movement patterns of their students.

In reading blogs, social posts, and speaking with educators, I am hearing, more than ever, that their students who are able to attend schools are essentially confined to their learning space with minimal opportunities to really get up and move.

However, there has never been a more important time to get our students moving.

As we hear the keywords, “learning-loss” and “knowledge gap” permeate our conversations around educational outcomes, now is the time to safely instill mitigations that improve learning.

While we focus on the kinesthetic furniture our students use each day, we also are big fans of simple movements and activities that promote increased blood flow that can result in better learning, engagement, and information retention.

While our students play “catch-up”, we can help them with quick activities that enable this to happen more effectively. One particularly quick activity that your students are sure to love is movement mazes.

Here are a few suggestions for your next movement maze that allow for quick implementation, easy clean up, and multiple uses.

Create Your Own Movement Maze

Spacing: Easy to use, easy to clean, and quick additions for a movement maze, a hallway, or your classroom.

Directional: Personalized or pre-fixed spots that can be reused for many activities.