Working from home presents many challenges for teachers and parents. We are in unchartered waters of trying to continue to work while helping our kids continue to learn and complete school assignments. None of this is easy! While teachers are at home with their own kids, it’s still important to incorporate physical activity throughout the day.

7 Mental Health Benefits to Physical Exercise

There are so many benefits to our mental health.

  1. Helps with anxiety
  2. Helps with stress – it helps release endorphins to relax muscles and reduce tension
  3. Improves concentration
  4. Improves mood
  5. Improves sleep
  6. Helps with emotional resilience.
  7. Increases our immune system.

7 Tips to Incorporating Physical Activity

  1. Stand at the counter to work.
  2. Sit on a stability ball while working.
  3. Take a break every 30 min and go for a walk.
  4. Find a quick video online of a brain energizer.
  5. Go for a bike ride.
  6. Play with your kids.
  7. Walk on the treadmill while working.

During this time, it is incredibly important to continue to be physically active. Use these suggestions or find your own way to fit physical activity into each day so that you will feel better, have increased energy, and be able to handle your emotions better. We are all in this together and the healthier we are, the easier we can beat this.