Studies have shown that when students move, they are more engaged, and it helps boosts their mood. A way to get more movement in the classroom is with flexible seating! Dr. Brad Johnson started a conversation around flexible seating with a tweet asking teachers how they have their flexible seating space set up and what furniture they use:
Does anyone have a classroom with flex seating such as wobble chairs, tires, stability ball chairs etc? Or even bikes or exercise area in back of your room? Would love to see pics without students of your room. Others may like to see them too.
— 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐝 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 (@DrBradJohnson) March 31, 2021
Many education professionals shared their classroom or space set-up. Here are some of our favorites!
A Little Bit of Everything
Not directly shown: wobble seats, pillows for floor seating, sling chairs, couch, weighted blanket, and a trampoline!
— Julia Gorman, M.Ed. (@JGorman208) April 1, 2021
Part of a community roo.
— olsen1stgrade (@olsen1stgrade) March 31, 2021
Just a few options pictured, but I also have wobble stools, lap desks, yoga balls (w/feet), Therabands to go around front 2 chair legs, SitFit cushions, floor pillows, beanbag, & a Standing Station.
— Jill Maenner {she/her} 🧷♿️ (@MaenTeacher) March 31, 2021
Stability Ball Ideas
Stability balls were one of the most popular active seating options shared in this thread. Dr. Lynne Kenney, Pediatric Psychologist, shared a picture of her office.
I am at work so sending you a fast photo of my office:). Math, SEL, executive function, drumming and art happen all day everyday.
— Dr. Lynne Kenney (@DrLynneKenney) March 31, 2021
— Kristi ❤️🏝☀️🍎 (@CherishToday08) March 31, 2021
My high school students were unsure about these to begin with, but now they love them!
— AHowell (@AHowell_IA) March 31, 2021
Standing Desk Ideas
We use standing desks for some kids
— Kristen Richey (@KRich312) March 31, 2021
Floor Seating Ideas
Here a couple from my pre-COVID classroom. Looks different this year, but hopefully back to this next year.
— Shari (@sknight10512) March 31, 2021
Kinesthetic Seating Ideas
I have sets of foot pedals in the 6-12 library. Kids can take them off the rack to wherever they are seated to pedal while reading, playing games, or studying.
— Library and Literacy Laura (@Laura_J_Crisp) March 31, 2021
There is a rack of yoga balls too that kids can swap out for the standard seats
Treadmill desk, comfy chairs and stools. Also standing desks. Kids will stand happily if it is an option.
— Peter Johnson #InnovativeArts (@puzzshiftcreate) March 31, 2021
Federal Funding Toolkit
We hope you can use these ideas to start your own active classroom! Use this free toolkit to understand the federal funding that’s available to you. It’s a great way to spark a conversation with your principal or administrator around the importance of active seating in the classroom.

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