Studies have shown that when students move, they are more engaged, and it helps boosts their mood. A way to get more movement in the classroom is with flexible seating! Dr. Brad Johnson started a conversation around flexible seating with a tweet asking teachers how they have their flexible seating space set up and what furniture they use: 

Many education professionals shared their classroom or space set-up. Here are some of our favorites! 


A Little Bit of Everything




Stability Ball Ideas

Stability balls were one of the most popular active seating options shared in this thread. Dr. Lynne Kenney, Pediatric Psychologist, shared a picture of her office. 




Standing Desk Ideas


Floor Seating Ideas


Kinesthetic Seating Ideas



Federal Funding Toolkit

We hope you can use these ideas to start your own active classroom! Use this free toolkit to understand the federal funding that’s available to you. It’s a great way to spark a conversation with your principal or administrator around the importance of active seating in the classroom.