More than ever kids are sitting during instruction due to remote learning. Keeping kids moving  is critical during this time to help with learning recovery. Use these tips to keep your students engaged and moving.

During Remote Lessons 

SmartSeat Stools
  • Start and/or end class with a quick brain energizer 
  • Have students stand during instruction 
  • Encourage your students to move during the class while watching the computer 
  • Teach through movement 
  • Teach students about a variety of seats that encourage movement such as an exercise ball or other active seats/cushions 

Brain Energizer Ideas: 

Children in classroom enjoy activity solutions game break
HOPSports Brain Breaks
  • Rock, Paper, Scissors against the teacher (example: Beat teacher 10 squats, tie 10 jumping jacks, lose 10 push-ups.) 
  • Head or tails (Flip a coin, heads 10 lunges and tails running in place) 
  • HOPSports Brain Breaks Physical Activity Solutions 
  • GoNoodle® videos 
  • Simon Says 
  • Spell your name fitness (each letter has a different exercise) 
  • Just Dance videos on YouTube 

Beyond the Classroom 

  • Monthly calendar with daily activities 
  • Create a park fitness scavenger hunt around your city 
  • Create fun challenges for students 
  • Create a YouTube channel and have videos to keep families moving even on rainy, cold, snowy days 
  • Include physical activity and movement tips in your weekly or monthly newsletter 

Educate Parents 

  • Educate parents about the function and purpose of physical activity, active seating, and movement throughout the day 
  • Share resources with parents about research and how physical activity positively benefits their child learning, emotional/mental health, as well as their physical health 
  • Teach parents about stand-ups desks and how they can easily create one at home for their child. 

Ways to get your Staff on Board 

  • Lead brain energizers during meetings. I do this consistently and also teach staff a variety of brain energizers that they can easily implement into their classroom both remotely and in person. 
  • Educate your staff of the importance of their students being active as well as themselves. 
  • Send out a weekly email and include wellness tips and how to be active while sitting at home teaching. 
  • Be a role model yourself. 

Be creative in the ways you get your students, staff, and families active. Not only will they see the physical benefits, but also the social and emotional benefits of moving their bodies during the day. 

If you have any questions about the Park Fitness Scavenger Hunt, email me at: angela.stark@fayette.kyschools